Extra IP address

I am about to get a linode VPS.

I have the need for more than one IP address.

What is the cost of getting extra IP addresses (both for a single extra one or a block of IPs)?

Thanks in advance

8 Replies


13:21:59 < Peng__> !ips

13:22:00 < linbot> Peng_: "ips" could be All new accounts come with one IP and are permitted to add an additional IP via the Linode Manager. If you need more than two IPs, you can open a support ticket and provide proper justification (we abide by ARIN's regulations). Additional IPs are $1.00 per month each. <~~[http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#can-i-purchase-additional-ips" target="blank">](http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#can-i-pur … tional-ips">http://www.linode.com/faq.cfm#can-i-purchase-additional-ips](>

IRC bots rock! :P

Well, I'm on the "cheapest-possible" linode plan, so I don't know if this varies, but by default, the linode team only allows you to buy one extra IP address (for a total of 2). If you want more, you need to open a support ticket and convince them you need more than two seperate ip addresses. (I don't know how easy/hard it is to get an extra IP, as 2 works great for me)

I believe they're just following ARIN rules about requiring justification. The rules aren't terribly strict; it's really just to make people think twice about their need for IPs. Specifically, if you're asking for them just to run multiple Web sites, it'll be denied in favor of virtual hosts.

But if you need to do SSL on more than one site, then you do need an IP for each, and you should be able to get one.


I believe they're just following ARIN rules about requiring justification. The rules aren't terribly strict; it's really just to make people think twice about their need for IPs. Specifically, if you're asking for them just to run multiple Web sites, it'll be denied in favor of virtual hosts.

But if you need to do SSL on more than one site, then you do need an IP for each, and you should be able to get one.

Thanks for the info.

I have two sites that have SSL needs, hence then need for 3 IPs. 2 different domains need SSL for their domain names and the third for a few virtual hosts.

So it looks like a go for me with linode.


> I have two sites that have SSL needs, hence then need for 3 IPs. 2 different domains need SSL for their domain names and the third for a few virtual hosts.

Then you will only need 2 IPs. HTTP virtual hosts can run long SSL web sites on the same IP.


> I have two sites that have SSL needs, hence then need for 3 IPs. 2 different domains need SSL for their domain names and the third for a few virtual hosts.

Then you will only need 2 IPs. HTTP virtual hosts can run long SSL web sites on the same IP.

Are you sure of that? I have two separate SSL certs. Each bound to it's own domain name.

Yes, I'm sure. Look:

IP 1: HTTP virtual hosts + one SSL enabled domain

IP 2: one SSL enabled domain

As long as the virtualhosts only need plain HTTP, this is fine.


Yes, I'm sure. Look:

IP 1: HTTP virtual hosts + one SSL enabled domain

IP 2: one SSL enabled domain

As long as the virtualhosts only need plain HTTP, this is fine.

Thanks for the heads up!


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