Linode mail configuration with domain registered with godaddy


I have recently moved my site from shared hosting to linode VM, after transfering the folders and database, I only changed the A record entry with linode's IP address. The site loads properly, the only problem is the wordpress doesnt generate any mails like from contact form, etc. The mail works good when you are directly sending it with gmail or outlook, just not with the wordpress conatct form.

What can be done for this issue???

2 Replies

You can install a mailserver like Postfix and set it up in a send-only configuration. If you want to send mail through a third-party SMTP server, you will probably have to configure SASL with your username and password for that service.

Agreed that setting up a mail service that only sends mail would be best. Installing a full mail server is a real pain, but doing send mail only can be simple.


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