My Linode dashboard says, Storage Free: 0MB - help!


I just noticed that my site was slow and when I logged on to Linode dashboard, it says,


Free: 0MB

My access log weighs 25,044 KB

Please, could someone tell me where else to look and how to resolve this.

Many thanks

2 Replies

The Linode Manager cannot see into your disk images, so it has absolutely no idea how much space you're using inside them. That number refers to how much of your allocation you have left for making more disk images. As for why your site is slow, you're probably swapping. If you look at the I/O graph and see a red line above 0, you're swapping. If that's the case, these guides are good reads:

* ~~[" target="_blank">]( … ing-issues">](

  • ~~[" target="_blank">]( … che-server">](

  • ~~[" target="_blank">]( … l-database">](

  • The "Optimize for a Linode 2GB" sections of

Many thanks for jumping in to help me, much appreciated.

I will go through these guides and get back to you.

Kind regards


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