Connect DB Borked After Upgrade

Hi, I have 2 linodes, a website and a Mysql db (Ip bound obviously). I updated to Ubuntu 16 and now can't get that binding to work

* Removed mysql and reinstalled

  • Verified mysql is working both via ssh and Workbench

  • Verified all accounts, dbs and tables are accounted for (In short, almost everything is like before the upgrade)

  • Tried changing "bind-address" from 127… to what it used to be (double checked backup cnf file)

  • Even tried commenting out the bind-address line

  • Verified hosts file was unaffected

Just can't find the solution. Could use some advice.

3 Replies

> Just can't find the solution. Could use some advice.

OK - what do the logs and the command output say when attempting to start mysql? Post them verbatim, please.


The Mysql service itself is working fine. I can ssh log in and do queries no problem.

It's simply the connection to my website linode that's now broken after the upgrade.

I've tried binding it to,, the website Ip, "Mysql", even my websites FQDN. I've also tried commenting out the bind-address line. None of that works.

Got it fixed. :D

For the record the FINAL problem ending up being: When upgrading, the php modules got lost, so no PDO driver. After installing, all good again.


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