Suggestions for alternatives to PhpMyAdmin

After struggling for quite some time to secure PhpMyAdmin it has become apparent to me that I'm fighting a losing battle. This begs the question about alternatives. So far I'm aware of:

1. Adminer

2. MySql Workbench

(I know I could use the command line interface but I don't use it often enough to be able to remember the syntax; I need a GUI.)

So I'm asking for your input. What do you recommend for a Graphical Interface to MySql?

Thanks in advance for your input.

4 Replies over an SSH tunnel.

@derfy: over an SSH tunnel.
Thanks for the feedback but I'm looking for Linux (ie: native) solutions only (ie: not in wine).

I use MySQL Workbench over an SSH tunnel. If you really like PHPMyAdmin you should be able to set it to just run on localhost (on your Linode) (might require having a dedicated Apache or other web server instance); then set up an SSH tunnel that lets you connect to it.

One feature of MySQLWorkbench though is that it seems to support running over SSL directly if the MySQL server is set up with SSL. I just use it over an SSH tunnel, easier for me.


I use MySQL Workbench over an SSH tunnel. If you really like PHPMyAdmin you should be able to set it to just run on localhost (on your Linode) (might require having a dedicated Apache or other web server instance); then set up an SSH tunnel that lets you connect to it.

I've given up on PhpMyAdmin. I see people saying to avoid it; as mentioned in my original post I've given up on trying to secure it …seems to be a mess.

What do you mean by "over an ssh tunnel"? Weren't you able to just configure things so you could just browse to MySQL Workbench via ssh in a browser? (ie: "https://")?


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