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Installing PHP GD Library Mystery

I have been trying to enable GD for php but had no luck so far. I did manage to install GD - just isn't enabled for some reason.


I'm running ubuntu 14.04 and php5 and php5.6 are both enabled. This is because I never did a2dismod php5 after installing php5.6 from a the ondrej repository. My guess it probably uses the gd.ini when doing a2dismod php5 - But when I a2dismod php5 I receive virtual server errors so I rather leave it enabled instead of troubleshooting that… I have a live-site with a thousand visitors a day so I don't want to mess around with it too much.

PHP runs over FCGid


Any thoughts how to enable GD from here?

Yes, I restarted apache2 service :)

Thank you!



3 Replies

Sorry, I can't help you because I don't run multiple versions of php in my production systems and I also don't use ubuntu, I only use CentOS.

Maybe you should post the errors you mention? maybe we can guess the problem from there, otherwise you are not giving us much information.


Sorry, I can't help you because I don't run multiple versions of php in my production systems and I also don't use ubuntu, I only use CentOS.

Maybe you should post the errors you mention? maybe we can guess the problem from there, otherwise you are not giving us much information.

I don't receive any errors - wish I did! very odd..


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