Nginx Nodebalancer

Hello all,

I am using Nodebalancer which has few nodes linked to it.

Now i want to make sure that the server is only accessible to the nodebalancer.

I would also want to make sure that the IP of the client is what I get and not the nodebalancer for which I am using

setrealip_from X.X.X.X;

realipheader X-Forwarded-For;

Can someone help me with the configuration which would be best for it.



1 Reply

In my CentOS 7 servers, I use the firewall to limit access from the balancer (haproxy in my case). I also use the private IP address space to communicate between my servers, since the backend servers don't listen at the public IP address.

For the IP address issue, I don't know about nginx, but with Apache I use the remoteip_module which does exactly that.


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