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How to get the codebase from Linode to look through and maybe build?

I'm not too sure if this is the best place to ask this question but i'll give it a go, please let me know if it's not.

I have a website being hosted in Linode. I had nothing to do with putting the website here and have no experience of anything like this.

This is the dashboard as I can see it:

~~![](<URL url=)http://i66.tinypic.com/1pxe90.jpg" />

Basically what i'm trying to do is take the code base of Linode and save it somewhere in case anyone wanted to look at it. (I was also hoping to build and run it but feel like that is unlikely.) Does anyone have any advice? Any is appreciated.

Also i'm not actually fully sure a site is there. When you put the IP address in it comes up with a map saying:

¨The web server software is running but no content has been added, yet.¨~~

1 Reply

You can connect to your Linode using ssh or Lish. The code for the web site will likely be somewhere under the /var/www directory.

Note that Ubuntu 10.04 is no longer supported; you should migrate to an operating system that receives current support.


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