Stackscript issue

I keep getting this issue. It's been hours now.

Last login: Fri Sep 15 11:50:51 2017 from ###IP###



Warning: Your StackScript is still running



Please do not make any system changes until it
completes. Log file is located at:

4 Replies

That doesn't sound normal, is it still running? If so, can you open up a ticket and let them know what stackscript you were running?

I have the same issue for more than 2 hours.

Last login: Fri Oct 27 17:12:56 2017 from X.X.X.X



Warning: Your StackScript is still running



Please do not make any system changes until it
completes. Log file is located at:

And when I check stackscript.log I get this only:

INFO:root:Logging has started.

CPU is about 7-8% so its working.

How long it takes to finish the stackscript (wordpress one by linode)?

Should I start is again with another script like LAMP only script?

Did you look at the log?


I gave up and started from the scratch. It was faster than to examine what is the problem with scripts.

However for other users somebody should investigate why is this happening.

I tried two scripts, one with wordpress and one with LAMP. First time the problem was I didn't know that I should login via Linode lish.

I used my terminal and ssh root. But there was no user input for confirmation on a GRUB update. Just the message above.

Second time I tried and logged via lish and confirmed GRUB update but after that there was no other input and the script continued to work forever with the same message you can see above. I tried both, lish and latter ssh but it was the same. Didn't check the log.

After few hours I decided to do all the settings started from the scratch without script.


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