Alias not working


In the "Email with Postfix, Dovecot and MYSQL" guide

This step which tests aliases:

postmap -q mysql:/etc/postfix/

This should return the email address to which the alias forwards, which is in this example.

When I run this test command I get "1" as the result.

When I try to email the alias address I get the following bounce:

Action: failed

Status: 5.1.1

Remote-MTA: dns;

X-Supplementary-Info: <> User doesn't exist:>

All IMAP and SMTP normal mail function fine for this domain, it's just the alias addresses I'm having issue with.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies

Your query probably has an error. Check step 5 under the Postfix configuration section and make sure you have entered the query correctly.

If that is correct, verify that you have your database tables set up properly.

Absolutely!! Thanks so much! There was a typo in the statement.


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