spam filtration service providers

We've recently come to the conclusion that our spam prevention services on our Linode are no longer adequate and too time consuming to maintain. We plan to subscribe with a spam filtration service that will catch spam before it reaches our Linode, and then forward good mail (ham) and quarantine reports onto our Linode. Does anyone have any recommendations for vendors that provide these services? Are there any particular vendors that you've found to be especially effective (and reasonably priced of course)? Thanks for any advice you can offer.

4 Replies


Try spamexperts

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I'll check them out.

You can also use another service for email instead of running your own. Google Apps, MailChimp, Sparkpost, etc.

Hi jdreese! Just thought I would post my two-cents, have you ever checked out the MagicSpam Module? Not really a 'filtering' service, but it really works to stop spam and attacks, gives you detailed stats, logs, controls.. No need to change MX records, and it installs right into the cPanel server itself. You might want to check it out. It's on cPanel's Application Catalogue for Email Tools, or you can visit our site MagicSpam for cPanel and WHM to get more information.

Feel free to ask me any questions and I will respond as soon as I can!


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