
Hi, I am pretty new to all of this so please be patient. I am trying to use sendmail so that when a character is created in a game the character will get a email with there password. that's the idea any way. Howver I can't get sendmail to even send a e-mail threw the command prompt. I have tried and tried to find out information on how to set it up to configure it and keep coming up with the same thing. it isn't working. Please some one if you know of a place that can give details on how it should be set up or can tell me how to that would be extremely helful. I am using Ubuntu 14.04, and did the apt-get install sendmail. please some one help. thank you in advance.

1 Reply

The original Sendmail can be difficult to configure. Replacements like Postfix or Exim tend to be recommended in its place for newer users.

You can run apt-get purge sendmail sendmail-base sendmail-bin sendmail-cf sendmail-doc to remove Sendmail. Then follow this howto article for setting up Postfix as a send-only mail server.


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