Can't access email from anywhere but inside Webmin

Hi everybody. I'm really at my wits end here, I've spent hours reading and testing to no avail. I ran through the Linode tutorials to get everything up and running, websites work fine and everything's great, except for email.

Email access works just fine via webmin; I can send and receive to outward addresses, create new accounts and redirectors etc.

What I can't do, is access the email accounts from anywhere but webmin.

I tried the troubleshooting on Linode, but it references things like "try steps 34-40 on this tutorial", but when you get there the steps only go to 24. From what I can tell, it's a firewall or routing issue.

Through SSH I tested the ports (as per the troubleshooting) and could access 25, 587, 993, 995, but not 465. Remotely though, all I can access is 993. I'm guessing this is my problem, but I'll be damned if I can find out where to trace it to.

All the incoming traffic in my iptables for imap goes through fail2ban which is working fine, doesn't have me banned, and seems to be operating perfectly. Nothing in the fail2ban logs mentions failed access, and the mail logs themselves only has the successful access I'm getting through webmin.

If this is indeed my problem, how can I open these ports?

I didn't want to copy/paste a whole bunch of dianostics, before knowing what is pertinent :) Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

[root@server] netstat -ltn

…will show you which ports are in use (open).

Take port 25 for example. if the only reference to port 25 is:

…then it means your SMTP server is listening only on the local interface and is not publicly accessible. You need to reconfigure your SMTP server (maybe Postfix?)

If you see

then it means port 25 is configured for public access. if you can't access it from outside then it's a firewall issue.

Same goes for your other mail-related ports. Ports 465 and 587 are also SMTP ports, Ports 993 and 993 are your imap/pop server (maybe Dovecot?) so look there for configuration issues.


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