My site doesn't send mails to my G Suit email account


I have set up 'Send Only Mail' on my Linode following the instruction at … tp-debian7"> and set up an email account as with Google G Suit.

My site sends emails to all my email addresses but not to with Google G Suit. As a test I could send email from to itself and all other email addresses. I also could send mails to from other email clients.

Very confusing, could someone help me out?


5 Replies

I am not a Gmail user, but supposedly if you send a message from a Gmail account that ends up being directed to that account, it will never appear in your inbox. This is Gmail being "helpful" because it knows the message is in your sent folder. You can test by using a different Gmail account to send the message; that should show up in your inbox.

Yes, this is likely what the issue is. I've ran into this myself, and it made things very confusing for me. Testing with other addresses showed that it was working fine on my end. If you still have that issue, let us know.


I am not a Gmail user, but supposedly if you send a message from a Gmail account that ends up being directed to that account, it will never appear in your inbox. This is Gmail being "helpful" because it knows the message is in your sent folder. You can test by using a different Gmail account to send the message; that should show up in your inbox.

Hi Vance

My posting probably wasn't clear.

I set up a G Suit email account for my domain ( and I did all necessary MX Record settings as outlined by Google documentation. My site sends emails to all other account (eg., and but not to But '' can send emails to other web clients and to itself.

Say, for instance when I set up my site's default send-to email address as '' and use the contact form on the site, I get the email sent to ' but when set up '' as my default email on my site and use the contact form, I get nothing into G Suit email inbox.

Contacted Google about this and left my number for them to call me but the chap emailed me, saying that he tried but could not get through to me, great! I am now stuck.


Also one thing I ran into was they're strict about having a reverse dns entry for your IPv6 address if that's what your sending it out via.

I forgot mine and only added a reverse to my IPv4.. once I added it for both I was good.

Look at your mail logs. They should tell you why the message is not being delivered.


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