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No match was found for ' ' . Reverse DNS must have a matching forward entry that points to one of your IPs.

What is a matching forward entry that points to one of my IPs - in simple terms?

How do I create a "matching forward entry that points to one of my IPs" in simple yet detailed steps?


I have already seen both

https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … uction#ptr">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/dns/dns-records-an-introduction#ptr

https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … everse-dns">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/dns/setting-reverse-dns

14 Replies

A matching forward entry would come in the form of an A or AAAA record created in the zone file for the domain, pointing towards an IP address, i.e. an A record for domain.com pointed towards (where domain.com is your real domain name and is your Linode's IP address).

https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … a-and-aaaa">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/dns/dns-records-an-introduction#a-and-aaaa

https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … dd-records">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/dns/dns-manager-overview#add-records

Your A / AAAA suggestion seems to require creating linode nameservers

@ NS ns1.linode.com.

@ NS ns2.linode.com.

@ NS ns3.linode.com.

@ NS ns4.linode.com.

@ NS ns5.linode.com.

"DNS Set-Up Checklist - When setting up any domain name on your Linode, make sure you perform the following steps:

1.) Register (purchase) a domain name, if you haven’t already.

2.) Set your domain name to use Linode’s name servers. You’ll need to do this on your domain registrar’s website and then wait up to 24 hours for the change to take effect."

I need to use ns1.box.example.com for my name servers.

This page says, "You can host your DNS information on name servers in one of several locations:

Linode (recommended)

Your registrar

Your own DNS server

Third-party DNS hosting"

https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/ … a-and-aaaa">https://www.linode.com/docs/networking/dns/dns-records-an-introduction#a-and-aaaa

but it doesn't show how to not use ns1.custom-name-server.com

Why do you need to use "ns1.box.example.com" for your nameservers? If you're using external nameservers, it's probably easier for you not to use the Linode DNS Manager to manage your records.

I am trying not to use Linode but I also need to set up reverse dns.

Per Mail in a Box, "Your box's reverse DNS is currently liXXX-XXX.members.linode.com (IPv4) and Not Set, but it should be box.example.com. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions on setting up reverse DNS for your box."

Mail in a Box says I need to use





at my registrar, Google Domains.

Linode says I need to use

@ NS ns1.linode.com.

@ NS ns2.linode.com.

@ NS ns3.linode.com.

@ NS ns4.linode.com.

@ NS ns5.linode.com.

at my registrar, Google Domains.

Setting up a simple email server is very confusing.

I think you're combining steps where you shouldn't:


Note that it says "If you are using an external DNS provider, e.g. if you already have a website on your domain name, you may skip this section."

If you're going to use Linode's DNS service, then don't do the nameserver bits - it's going to make this more complicated for you. If you're not going to use Linode's DNS service, then you don't need to setup anything in the Linode DNS Manager. You'd handle all the DNS records in Google's control panel.

Google says that I have to work with Linode for the Reverse DNS.

Also, per Mail in a Box:

Your box's reverse DNS is currently liXXX-XXX.members.linode.com (IPv4) and Not Set, but it should be box.example.com. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions on setting up reverse DNS for your box."


Google says that I have to work with Linode for the Reverse DNS.

Also, per Mail in a Box:

Your box's reverse DNS is currently liXXX-XXX.members.linode.com (IPv4) and Not Set, but it should be box.example.com. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions on setting up reverse DNS for your box."

Once you have created an A or AAAA record for your Linode's IP in the Google Domains control panel (and once that change has reached the rest of the internet) you'll be able to set Reverse DNS in the Linode's Dashboard under the Remote Access tab.

Currently, when I ping my box.example.com I get my Linode IP address.

64 bytes from box.example.com (My Linode IP address): icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.055 ms

However, when I enter box.example.com into Linodes » linode1234567 » Remote Access » Reverse DNS, I get the following error, • No match was found for 'box.example.com'. Reverse DNS must have a matching forward entry that points to one of your IPs.

So the problem is not the "lack of a matching forward entry". The problem is waiting for the update?


So the problem is not the "lack of a matching forward entry". The problem is waiting for the update?

If pinging the real domain gives you the IP, then yes. It's just a matter of waiting for the change to fully take. You should be able to set RDNS in a short while, based on what you're saying.

So my Linode DNS Manager should be empty, with no entries required?

If your A record was created in Google Domains' control panel, then yes, the Linode DNS Manager doesn't need to have anything in it for your domain. (It's tough to say for certain without knowing your domain/the exact things you've done up to this point)

For my domain, example.com

I have this record:

box A 30m "LinodeIPaddress"

Is there any way to speed up the update?

There would not be, at least, not on the user end. There could be different refresh times for different providers, but if it were me I'd reach out to the DNS provider if it doesn't go through in an hour.



Google says that I have to work with Linode for the Reverse DNS.

Also, per Mail in a Box:

Your box's reverse DNS is currently liXXX-XXX.members.linode.com (IPv4) and Not Set, but it should be box.example.com. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions on setting up reverse DNS for your box."

Once you have created an A or AAAA record for your Linode's IP in the Google Domains control panel (and once that change has reached the rest of the internet) you'll be able to set Reverse DNS in the Linode's Dashboard under the Remote Access tab.

Done! Many thanks :lol:


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