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Forward emails without hosting a mail server


Not advanced system admin.

I do not want to setup my own email server for my custom domains. As I moved from other Hosting company to Linode to save $, to have SUDO access, etc., I am now facing problem on How am I going to fix receiving emails for the domains I currently use. I do not mind emails not sending via @example.com but will be using Amazon SES or SendGrid for that.

Any incoming email to @domain1.com and @domain2.com, can I forward to site1@gmail.com and site2@gmail.com without hosting a mail server? Can I find a guide for this?


5 Replies

The "proper" way to do this, would be to set gmail to accept those domains. I don't know if that requires some kind of payment to gmail, but many people do it. Then you can also send emails as @domain1.com and @domain2.com. This is done by enabling this feature in gmail and also setting your MX to point to the gmail servers.

Another way, is to setup postfix on the server, to forward emails to your gmail address. In this case, you have to define some strict rules against spam, otherwise gmail will block you, if you forward too many spam to them.


Another way, is to setup postfix on the server, to forward emails to your gmail address. In this case, you have to define some strict rules against spam, otherwise gmail will block you, if you forward too many spam to them.
Help me with this guide. Or what should I search google for?

Many thanks!

I got it solved by following these two guides:

http://www.kevinsweet.com/forwarding-em … ean-ubuntu">http://www.kevinsweet.com/forwarding-email-digital-ocean-ubuntu

http://www.binarytides.com/postfix-mail … ng-debian/">http://www.binarytides.com/postfix-mail-forwarding-debian/


I had problem with multiple domain forwarding. Tried another method to script etc/postfix/virtual file. I can share my virtual file if needed.

Don't feed the spambots. :)


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