Spamhaus blocking all IPv6 linode addresses?

I just noticed that nearly all of my IPv6 addresses with Linode got listed by Spamgause SBL blacklist.

You can test your addresses here:

Anyone else noticed the same problem?

11 Replies doesn't include any IPv6 listings. Giving the listing number would be helpful.


I just noticed that nearly all of my IPv6 addresses with Linode got listed by Spamgause SBL blacklist.

You can test your addresses here:

Anyone else noticed the same problem?

Same problem. Have you found a solution?

No problem here - my Linode's IPv6 addresses aren't listed (neither the native /128 nor addresses I've assigned from within a routed /64).

> 2600:3c03:e000:2::1 is not listed in the SBL

2600:3c03:e000:2::1 is not listed in the PBL

2600:3c03:e000:2::1 is not listed in the XBL

Unfortunately, I never found a solution.

Eventually, the IPv6 addresses expired from their list and so the problem went away, temporarily it seems because yesterday and today all my IPv6 addresses even those I don't use have been blocked again by spamhaus.

There is no legitimate reason for such a net-wide block, are they running some kind of extortion scam? taking money from innocent admins? I honestly don't know whats wrong with them, but it is clear that they are doing this on purpose.


Same problem. Have you found a solution?

@dwfreed: doesn't include any IPv6 listings. Giving the listing number would be helpful.

For whatever reason, starts to block entire IPv6 ranges/net blocks and their website doesn't show any mention of that. I can see it due to errors arriving to my servers when they try to email each other.

I then tested some of my IPv6 address via their website at and all came back as listed. Even for IPv6 addresses that are not attached to anything. Interestingly, the equivalent IPv4 address are not listed.

About an hour ago, I got de-listed.

Its good that my postfix marks with few points, so nothing is being blocked right away, but its sad to see such a good service fall to such horrible practices.

So about an hour ago, you could have given the listing number…

Huh it's almost as if the behavior of an SBL is sometimes unpredictable. Well it sure is a good thing Linode doesn't use SBL listings to determine which IPs they assign…


@dwfreed: doesn't include any IPv6 listings. Giving the listing number would be helpful. … 0%253A5341">

@lumb: … 0%253A5341">

Did you read and submit ?

I read it, but what they want I do not understand. Deleting from the list helps for a couple of days. The server sends 2-3 emails a day, signed by dkim and spf.


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