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Tuning server for hundreds/thousands contemporary rest api calls


i have built a web application in PHP-Laravel 5 versus MariaDB that exposes rest services that will be called

from a mobile app during a sport event [with about 8000 spectators]

where the crowd will be invited to download and use the app to see the results in real time.

Obviously i need no errors and a good response from the webserver; i actually have

Linode1024, i think to upgrade it for the event but i would like to understand how to upgrade the server and fine tune it.

I actually use Apache 2.4.6 and don't know if nginx can be a better choice (maybe i will try it).

Here is the ouput from Siege:

concurrent = 100 - 1Minute

Lifting the server siege…

Transactions: 2892 hits

Availability: 100.00 %

Elapsed time: 59.43 secs

Data transferred: 3.06 MB

Response time: 1.78 secs

Transaction rate: 48.66 trans/sec

Throughput: 0.05 MB/sec

Concurrency: 86.58

Successful transactions: 2892

Failed transactions: 0

Longest transaction: 5.40

Shortest transaction: 0.55

concurrent = 150 - 1Minute

Lifting the server siege…

Transactions: 2405 hits

Availability: 100.00 %

Elapsed time: 59.89 secs

Data transferred: 1.92 MB

Response time: 3.34 secs

Transaction rate: 40.16 trans/sec

Throughput: 0.03 MB/sec

Concurrency: 134.25

Successful transactions: 2405

Failed transactions: 0

Longest transaction: 6.80

Shortest transaction: 0.20

concurrent = 255 - 1Minute

Lifting the server siege…

Transactions: 2231 hits

Availability: 99.60 %

Elapsed time: 60.48 secs

Data transferred: 1.79 MB

Response time: 5.64 secs

Transaction rate: 36.89 trans/sec

Throughput: 0.03 MB/sec

Concurrency: 207.92

Successful transactions: 2231

Failed transactions: 9

Longest transaction: 36.99

Shortest transaction: 0.23

Here is the 'top' output during siege:

top - 11:00:43 up 141 days, 11:37, 2 users, load average: 25.88, 13.04, 7.81

Tasks: 160 total, 79 running, 81 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie

%Cpu(s): 75.4 us, 22.7 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 1.6 si, 0.3 st

KiB Mem : 1010988 total, 209912 free, 628644 used, 172432 buff/cache

KiB Swap: 262140 total, 110920 free, 151220 used. 309372 avail Mem


20261 mysql 20 0 1200024 15652 5416 S 6.2 1.5 0:10.66 mysqld

22653 root 20 0 2649308 111288 1864 S 2.2 11.0 0:00.78 siege

21494 apache 20 0 601528 34352 22812 R 1.6 3.4 0:01.80 httpd

22948 apache 20 0 600208 32712 22812 R 1.6 3.2 0:00.54 httpd

23059 apache 20 0 600720 33228 22812 R 1.6 3.3 0:00.33 httpd

23090 apache 20 0 600464 32964 22812 R 1.6 3.3 0:00.28 httpd

23133 apache 20 0 599696 32176 22812 R 1.6 3.2 0:00.22 httpd

23206 apache 20 0 601520 34356 22812 R 1.6 3.4 0:00.13 httpd

23242 apache 20 0 600208 32700 22812 R 1.6 3.2 0:00.08 httpd

23262 apache 20 0 600464 32964 22812 R 1.6 3.3 0:00.06 httpd

21492 apache 20 0 599696 32180 22812 R 1.2 3.2 0:01.80 httpd

21833 apache 20 0 600720 33504 22812 R 1.2 3.3 0:01.52 httpd

21911 apache 20 0 599952 32436 22812 R 1.2 3.2 0:01.10 httpd

21948 apache 20 0 598672 31656 22812 R 1.2 3.1 0:01.30 httpd

21964 apache 20 0 600976 33500 22812 R 1.2 3.3 0:00.99 httpd

21991 apache 20 0 600464 32976 22812 R 1.2 3.3 0:01.25 httpd

22030 apache 20 0 600720 33228 22812 R 1.2 3.3 0:01.21 httpd

22043 apache 20 0 599440 31916 22812 R 1.2 3.2 0:01.20 httpd

22911 apache 20 0 600464 32964 22812 R 1.2 3.3 0:00.61 httpd

22973 apache 20 0 601532 34300 22812 R 1.2 3.4 0:00.47 httpd

22981 apache 20 0 600464 32972 22812 R 1.2 3.3 0:00.46 httpd

Can anyone help me in understanding where i can improve my server?

Thanks in advance and greetings

2 Replies

If you are still using Apache in prefork mode with mod_php, consider using PHP-FPM instead.

I see that you accepted the defaul 256 MB of swap. For a Linode 1024, I use 1024 MB of swap. Not necessarily to be used, but as a safety net to avoid OOM killer to think you don't have enough memory. You don't want mysql to be killed randomly in the middle of your sport event.


If you are still using Apache in prefork mode with mod_php, consider using PHP-FPM instead.

I see that you accepted the defaul 256 MB of swap. For a Linode 1024, I use 1024 MB of swap. Not necessarily to be used, but as a safety net to avoid OOM killer to think you don't have enough memory. You don't want mysql to be killed randomly in the middle of your sport event.

Hello, thank you for your answer; i have then installed nginx and performances are quit good. I will upgrade to Linode 16384 for the event days and will increase swap space.

Thanks and greetings


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