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Linode cpu graph and 'top' cpu very different - why?

I'm new to Linode, as of yesterday.

Just got a surprise email alert saying my cpu was averaging over 90%. I look at the cpu graph on the linode panel and it says it's 145% right now.

Logging into ssh and running 'top', I get cpu percent ranging around 20% to 30%. Load average on my 6 core linode is averaging 1.12, 1.05, 1.02.

Why would I be getting such a discrepancy between the graph and running top? The website is loading quickly, so I'm suspicious of the graph being correct,

Thanks for any help or explanation on this -


3 Replies

Some tools (like the Linode graph) report CPU usage where 100% equals one fully-utilized processor. For example, on a four-processor machine, the maximum CPU usage would be 400%. Other tools use 100% to mean full utilization of all processors. It looks like "top" is one of the latter tools, assuming this extract from the man page means "Solaris mode" is the default:

      k: %CPU  --  CPU usage
          The task's share of the elapsed CPU time since the last  screen
          update, expressed as a percentage of total CPU time.  In a true
          SMP environment, if 'Irix mode' is Off,  top  will  operate  in
          'Solaris  mode' where a task's cpu usage will be divided by the
          total number of CPUs.  You toggle 'Irix/Solaris' modes with the
          'I' interactive command.

Got it and understood :)

Have configured the alerts to reflect this - surprised they weren't set higher on linodes with more cpu's by default. Easy to reset once understood though.

Thank you!



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