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Default CentOS kernel is 3.10. Is this meltdown and spectre ready?

Hi all,

as far as I know linux kernel 4.x has been patched for meltdown and spectre.

Latest CentOS uses kernel 3.10…

Leave alone our linode, think to out desktop, is CentOS vulnerable to spectre and meltdown due to the "old kernel"?

3 Replies

bumpig question… :)


The version number is NOT an indication of patch level. Same applies to openssl/openssh/php and others.

Thats because CentOS/RHEL and other stable server environments back-port all nessesary patches to their own version. Thus, the latest CentOS kernel 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 is already patched for meltdown.

spectre requires additional hardware updates (bios/microcode/etc) so it is not relevant at the moment to talk about a patch for spectre.

the latest spectre microcode update has been blocked due to the problems that it caused, intel is "sort of" working on it, the kernel developers are angry with intel for the mess, linode is waiting for phase 2.


The version number is NOT an indication of patch level. Same applies to openssl/openssh/php and others.

Thats because CentOS/RHEL and other stable server environments back-port all nessesary patches to their own version. Thus, the latest CentOS kernel 3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64 is already patched for meltdown.

spectre requires additional hardware updates (bios/microcode/etc) so it is not relevant at the moment to talk about a patch for spectre.

the latest spectre microcode update has been blocked due to the problems that it caused, intel is "sort of" working on it, the kernel developers are angry with intel for the mess, linode is waiting for phase 2.

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