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Linode Longview: not receiving data

Hi there,

I want to use Linode Longview, but it isn't working. I copy the given script (curl -s https://lv.linode.com/[key] | sudo bash) but it just never starts receiving data.

I noticed that every time I run the script on my server, (and reload the web page), the key changes. It seems to be the problem, as the key is always wrong (because it changes every time).

OS: Ubuntu 16

Thanks for your help! :)

3 Replies

check longview status with one of these commands

sudo systemctl status longview 
sudo service longview status 

if longview is down

then run

sudo systemctl start longview

or sudo service longview start


check longview status with one of these commands

sudo systemctl status longview 
sudo service longview status 

if longview is down

then run

sudo systemctl start longview

or sudo service longview start

Yup that worked, thanks!

I've had the same problem… installed on Deb 9 and it wasn't started. Now it's started I think there is a problem with one of my Iptables rules. What port should I need to enable outbound traffic to let this work?


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