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few questions about linode policy, and limitations.


My application is going near release stage.

I strictly reviewed few Cloud services, and linode looks like the best option so far. I just have few questions:

1. About ddos attacks and nullroute. Iv'e read few negative reviews, about the policy that Linode nullroute for at least 24 hours in an event of big attack.

is it still the current policy (to nullroute for 24 hours no matter what)?

what is the estimated attack load, the system can carry without interrupt other users?

(to clarify: I don't plan on being attacked or something like this. but, I just think it's unavoidable to being attack at some moderate load, when you have a successful service.

it's deterring to know that some script kiddie can make my service down for 24 hours)

2. What is the legitimate normal constant load the system can carry without count as an abuse. i.e. what servers resources I need to manually monitor and not automatically limited by the virtualization itself (I/O, cpu, ram, network)

Thank you.

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