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cannot select Tokyo?

I cannot find Tokyo when changing the setting of location.

Is the selection for this particular location unavailable for now?

13 Replies

It seems that Tokyo is currently full. You could try opening a ticket to get in the queue when a host becomes available.

> I cannot find Tokyo when changing the setting of location.

Is the selection for this particular location unavailable for now?

Tokyo is a very popular location for Asia customers. However, Linode recently opened up Singapore : https://blog.linode.com/2015/04/27/hello-singapore/

You can check it out.

It's 9 months later and Tokyo cannot be selected. Still not selectable or again not selectable?

I had to move to California for my VPS. Singapore would have been an option, but neither is as good as Tokyo.

Will Tokyo be available anytime soon? Or is it being expanded but always filling up so quickly?


It has actually been over a year, just 9 months since this post was created. See the blog:

~~[https://blog.linode.com/2015/01/16/linode-datacenter-expansion/" target="_blank">](https://blog.linode.com/2015/01/16/lino … expansion/">https://blog.linode.com/2015/01/16/linode-datacenter-expansion/](

As mentioned in the blog, Linode is exploring getting a second Tokyo facility. In the interim, I believe support is still maintaining a waiting list, so you can open a support ticket and asked to be placed on the waiting list. When an existing Linode in Tokyo is deleted, a slot opens up, which is then filled by the first person in the waiting list (depending on plan size).

Oh, great news! I did not see the blog and I'll have an eye on it from now on.

I'll gladly come back to use Tokyo when it's available. No urgency as this is just for private use.

> In the interim, I believe support is still maintaining a waiting list, so you can open a support ticket and asked to be placed on the waiting list. When an existing Linode in Tokyo is deleted, a slot opens up, which is then filled by the first person in the waiting list (depending on plan size).

As of right now it's done on a first come, first serve basis for users whose accounts actually currently have the option to deploy there. Users who don't see Tokyo as a datacenter option in the drop-down menu won't be able to deploy there at all.

when will Tokyo data center be upgraded?


when will Tokyo data center be upgraded?

We'll be opening a new, upgraded datacenter in Japan before the end of the year.


We'll be opening a new, upgraded datacenter in Japan before the end of the year.
But which year?!??!?!?! proceeds to whine about communication



We'll be opening a new, upgraded datacenter in Japan before the end of the year.
But which year?!??!?!?! proceeds to whine about communication

Haha, amazing!

But just to avoid any kind of language barriers: We expect this to be complete and available in Q4, 2016.




We'll be opening a new, upgraded datacenter in Japan before the end of the year.
But which year?!??!?!?! proceeds to whine about communication

Haha, amazing!

But just to avoid any kind of language barriers: We expect this to be complete and available in Q4, 2016.

Whoosh..? This was a little joke about people whining about communication when Atlanta was being attacked during Labour day. Ask mcintosh :P




But which year?!??!?!?! proceeds to whine about communication

Haha, amazing!

But just to avoid any kind of language barriers: We expect this to be complete and available in Q4, 2016.

Whoosh..? This was a little joke about people whining about communication when Atlanta was being attacked during Labour day. Ask mcintosh :P

Oh no, believe me, I got the joke and it made me laugh really hard! But with most of our customers interested in the new Tokyo location being from Asia, I wanted to make sure we got that covered (sarcasm isn't seen the same around the world).

And for anyone interested, we have an interview regarding the new datacenter on our Medium blog:

https://medium.com/linode-cube/behind-t … .rt4ridgv0">https://medium.com/linode-cube/behind-the-scenes-details-about-upcoming-tokyo-2-dc-launch-88cac22fa69c#.rt4ridgv0

Suddenly I found Tokyo2 there the other day, and quickly got that small-size linode that I had wanted for a long time. Goodie!


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