Does transfer in count against quota?

I saw the statement "Please note that all inbound traffic is free and will not count against your quota." in this page:

That is something very important to the service I am going to provide.

However, I see following in my Linode's dashboard:

> Network

Transfer/mo: 2000 GB

Incoming: 534 MB

Outgoing: 25.3 MB

Total: 559 MB

You have used 0% of your monthly transfer

Currently I don't have enough transfer to figure it out myself. Incoming transfer here is shown for information purposes only, right?


2 Replies


… Incoming transfer here is shown for information purposes only, right?
Correct. The logic of this is that once your disk is full, the only thing you can do with inbound data is throw it away or send it out again. I guess piping gigabytes of inbound data to /dev/null would probably annoy Linode though :-).

I guess piping gigabytes of inbound data to /dev/null would probably annoy Linode though :-)

Nope, that's pretty much exactly what I do with my NVR, except that it's (~2) terabytes per month not gigabytes. They don't seem to mind at all :)


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