Is Linode right for me?

Hi everyone, I'm looking to switch from my current shared host because of some poor performance issues with my websites. With all the options out there, however, I'm having a little trouble figuring out what might be a good fit for my needs.

I am fairly confident I can resurrect my Linux chops (ran Slackware for a few years in high school). I have pretty decent technical knowledge, and coding/scripting experience. I am currently running two wordpress installs and a static website on my shared host, and will likely add an e-commerce site via a web application (I see Linode has documentation about OpenCart). All of them are pretty low-traffic (50-100 hits/month).

What I don't have is tons of time. I do have, say a week to work on a project, and then I need to be working on other things (I'm a freelancer in a couple different fields).

Can Linode be a good set-and-forget type of host? Should I be looking for a host professing to be "wordpress specialists?" Any information/advice you could provide would be helpful.



1 Reply

I'm way far from an expert, but I have no problem keeping my Linode up, running and secure, with a static site and a few wordpress sites- I've been here since 2010, and don't think I've ever had to make a support request.


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