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1 year payment


I now would like to pay 1 year for Linode 4GB package. But when I signed up, I lost $ 5 and I do not know the term to use this service pack is for how long. How do I pay for Linode 4GB 1 year? .

I've enabled managed Linode for $ 100/1 month. how do I cancel it?

When the server service expires. My Visa account automatically debited or how to continue services. And how do I stop the extension service?

Thank you.

2 Replies



I now would like to pay 1 year for Linode 4GB package. But when I signed up, I lost $ 5 and I do not know the term to use this service pack is for how long. How do I pay for Linode 4GB 1 year? .

I've enabled managed Linode for $ 100/1 month. how do I cancel it?

When the server service expires. My Visa account automatically debited or how to continue services. And how do I stop the extension service?

Thank you.

Open a support ticket, these are community forums, someone from linode may answer, but you'll get much faster results from a ticket.




I now would like to pay 1 year for Linode 4GB package. But when I signed up, I lost $ 5 and I do not know the term to use this service pack is for how long. How do I pay for Linode 4GB 1 year? .

I've enabled managed Linode for $ 100/1 month. how do I cancel it?

When the server service expires. My Visa account automatically debited or how to continue services. And how do I stop the extension service?

Thank you.

Open a support ticket, these are community forums, someone from linode may answer, but you'll get much faster results from a ticket.

Thank you


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