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unlimited bandwidth

can i get unlimited outbound bandwidth with linode vps?

6 Replies

In a way..? If you go over your bandwidth limit you get charged $0.02/GB.


In a way..? If you go over your bandwidth limit you get charged $0.02/GB.

for 1TB additional bandwidth $20.48 which is 2x of basic vps cost . :cry:


In a way..? If you go over your bandwidth limit you get charged $0.02/GB.
do you know any other service provider that offers free unlimited bandwidth with decent speed ?



In a way..? If you go over your bandwidth limit you get charged $0.02/GB.
do you know any other service provider that offers free unlimited bandwidth with decent speed ?

There isn't anyone who offers honest unlimited bandwidth. If they say they do, they are lying.


If you need a whole TB more, don't pay the overage for the TB of outbound. Instead, get a second Linode. It'll come at the same price (or cheaper), and all your transfer quota is pooled into one. Meaning if you have two servers that have 2TB of quota each, you could use 3TB on one and 1TB on the other, or 4TB on one and 0 on the other without paying overages. You could use the second server to separate like your database or do custom backups over the private network not counting on your quota.

Nothing is ever free. "Bandwidth" is a resource that the host provider must pay for. Linode's bandwidth policy is very reasonable. I don't think you will find better quality and support to go along with the resources you use here anywhere else.



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