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How Many Payment Methods Linode Accept?


I would to know that how many payment method linode accept?

I have paypal account and want to pay through paypal but after email activation there is an option for Master Card no. So, how can I change it and proceed through paypal?

Your answer will make easiness for me.


3 Replies


After opening your account with a major credit/debit card, you can then make payments via PayPal. See the documentation here: https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/bi … nt-methods">https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/billing-and-payments#payment-methods

Can you just send me a link for Paypal ? I want to add a deposit of $60

We require a valid credit card on file for each account, so we wouldn't be able to take PayPal payments without having a card on file.

However, there are some options for using a PayPal balance on a credit card, such as the PayPal Prepaid card.


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