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What is uninvoiced balance?

In my account, I have this:

Uninvoiced Balance $1.08 and counting This will appear on your next invoice.

I am on a package and paying bills duly on the first day of every month. My server is very much under-utilized. Can anybody kindly let me know how I got this unpaid balance and what I should do to get rid of it, even if it means I have to pay for this unknown cost.

Thanks a million!

4 Replies

Linode has been doing postpaid billing for quite some time. Postpaid billing is where you pay for services you've used after you've used them (Most US utility companies are like this, including cell phone providers). The uninvoiced balance is simply the cost of service you've used since your last invoice. The number will continue to go up until the next invoice is generated, at either the balance limit or the first of next month (the balance limit starts out at $50, and will increase in proportion to your usage and age of account; it's usually higher than most people's monthly service costs, so they see invoices once a month), and then it resets back to 0 and starts over.


Linode has been doing postpaid billing for quite some time. Postpaid billing is where you pay for services you've used after you've used them (Most US utility companies are like this, including cell phone providers). The uninvoiced balance is simply the cost of service you've used since your last invoice. The number will continue to go up until the next invoice is generated, at either the balance limit or the first of next month (the balance limit starts out at $50, and will increase in proportion to your usage and age of account; it's usually higher than most people's monthly service costs, so they see invoices once a month), and then it resets back to 0 and starts over.

Thank you so much, dwfreed, for this detailed and clear explanation! Very much appreciate it!!!

Dwfreed, you are the best ever.

Truth ^^


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