Are the resources stated in the plans guaranteed?

I have been researching about some vps providers and found out the resources are not fully guaranteed. That means if I have a noisy neighbour, my performance will be affected because of them. But since Linode is a VPS-only provider, it probably should be guaranteed. So, for clarification, is it in the SLA that all the CPU-RAM is guaranteed?

1 Reply

* Yes: RAM, Disk Space, Transfer (you'll blow through all your transfer before you hit bandwidth issues, guaranteed)

  • Not really: Disk Throughput/IOPS (they're SSDs, so you're unlikely to have contention issues, but it is possible), Bandwidth (it's very unlikely you'll have issues with bandwidth contention at the host. More likely your bandwidth issues will be due to an upstream provider outside of Linode's control)

  • No: CPU (heavy CPU users are a lot more common than the other non-guaranteed-resource hoggers; however, it's still generally not an issue, because most people don't use their Linodes for anything CPU intensive)

No VPS provider truly guarantees CPU resources in any useful way, and that's to be expected, really. CPU is the most scarce resource in a server, even with SSDs for disks. And when Linode's latest hosts have CPUs with an MSRP of $2,700 (E5-2697 v4; number pulled from, and there are two of those in each server, it's easy to see that one server could cost north of $10,000 when all is said and done. That said, Linode will usually agree to migrate you to another host if your neighbors are particularly noisy. However, if performance is really important to you, you should invest in dedicated or colocated hardware.


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