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Does Disk Performance Increase with Larger Linodes?

I could not locate documentation on this. I'm curious if disk performance, namely MB/s read/write and IOPS increase/scale with larger linode packages. Is there a doc somewhere with more details about the packages than what's listed on the sales page?

2 Replies

The performance should be the same across all plans, but scaled to the resources provided. In regards to the resources you mention, RAM read/write and IOPS, all plans should receive the same amount of priority for these.

The exception to this would lay in CPU in times of resource contention. As larger plans are allotted more cores they would likely gain priority in CPU cycles.


I'm curious if disk performance, namely MB/s read/write and IOPS increase/scale with larger linode packages.

When under no contention for disk (meaning, you aren't competing with any of the other tenants) the performance would be identical. However, all hosts have multiple RAID units, and you share a RAID unit with fewer other neighbors the larger you plan have. The larger plan you have, the fewer other Linodes you share your RAID unit with - so, performance under contention is higher the larger plan you have.

Hope that helps,



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