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Disk IO and Costs

I have an very intensive database use that comes with a high disk usage.

Does linode have any limit on disk IO? Does it change the pricing?

3 Replies

The space for disks is allocated from your Linode plan’s storage. I guess you will have to buy for extra space.

Its not about space, but the high intensity use.

there il be a lot of reads and writes (IO).

We don't have a hard limit on disk IO usage, but there is a sort of soft limit. Prices do not change based on IO usage.

We start to draw the line at 100k blocks per second but I've seen people reach more without affecting anyone else. To be honest, as long as you're not negatively impacting your neighbours, you're fine to use as much power as you'd like. You'd be able to tell how much you're using from the graphs on the Linode Dashboard.

Our Support team would get in touch with you if things start to become problematic, but if you're using that much resources anyways it may be useful to spread the load across multiple servers.


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