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Creating an account without a credit card

Why does the register form still ask for credit card details, now that paypal payments are possible? I don't have one and never needed one for anything else before.

It definitely needs to be possible to create an account with a paypal payment, you can do this at digital ocean so there shouldn't be any problems having the same option here…

6 Replies

The most people use PayPal, because they don't have to sign in with their credit card. I as a student have only a Maestro card, but i can pay via PayPal.

The pricing attracts me; but if i can't log into Linode without a credit card, i don't have another choice to go to Digital Ocean.

And sorry for my bad English.

You could get a prepaid card to sign up with. The card is required in the event that the PayPal account holder disputes a PayPal payment, as PayPal is extremely biased toward the consumer when handling disputes.

This service just sucks.

You can't get an account without a credit or debit card.
So for me i need to get one.
But i don't want.
So i will not use Linode.

But also getting the spam e-mail like every 12 hours that i shall
enter a credit card.
Maybe, what i learned at my university is "Make a platform user friendly" --> This isn't the case.
Hopefully they will work on my last E-Mail and delete my Account.

This is very annoying.

I cannot get register billing too

i only have paypal with money from donation but dont have credit card

That is mean i cannot use linode

Thanks for the info

Yes, You can't get an account without a credit or debit card. You will
need to enter credit card details for identity verification, but you
won't be charged.

"You could get a prepaid card to sign up with. The card is required in the event that the PayPal account holder disputes a PayPal payment, as PayPal is extremely biased toward the consumer when handling disputes."

Not buying this excuse. Who is going to dispute a single $5 monthly payment and lose their long term website access?? Web hosting is not a one time purchase, it happens monthly. And since there are no physical goods sold, Linode would only lose a month of server fees at most. And yet you give away $100 in free credits to everyone!

Not to mention people can easily dispute credit card payments too.

What you ARE doing is losing out on a lot of customers that for whatever reason don't use a credit card. For example, I'm an expat living in China and there are no Western credit cards issued here.

Vultr even accepts Alipay which is the number one payment platform in China. You guys need to seriously think international. It's 2021 guys :P


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