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Sharing Account logins with developers

I'm managing a website that's developed by several people. Every now and then I have developers that are added or removed from the team. When I create a Linode account, the control panel will show my identity and payment information. I don't want any of the developers to have access to that information. I still want them to have access to FTP/SQL/MyPHPAdmin and whatever they need.

If they need access to the control panel for something, I can do those jobs for them. As far as I know the control panel is not accessed as frequently as other things like FTP.

So is it possible that I get a Linode account and the main account login (that shows my identity and payment information) is only known to me but I can share various logins like FTP and myPHPAdmin account logins with the developers?

1 Reply

You can create as many accounts on your virtual private server as you wish and use your chosen distribution's tools and permissions to manage the level of access each one has. People do not need a Linode Manager account to access your VPS.

You should create a separate account for each person you want to be able to access your VPS. Do not have people share accounts; it becomes difficult or impossible to control effectively.

Edit to add: Also note that many web applications have their own account system. For example, WordPress accounts can be created and assigned certain permissions - these accounts do not correspond to login accounts on the VPS. People should be assigned the lowest level of access that allows them to accomplish their work (principle of least privilege).


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