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Introductory pricing?

I'm considering moving my site to Linode, and wonder if the published pricing is cheap, introductory pricing, and I would see a big increase when it is time to renew. Or, is the published pricing the same price that everyone is paying, even longtime users?

I've had it with the typical bait and switch shared hosting companies. I'm hoping to find a host that I can rely on, and I'm willing to pay a fair price for the service.

3 Replies


I'm considering moving my site to Linode, and wonder if the published pricing is cheap, introductory pricing, and I would see a big increase when it is time to renew. Or, is the published pricing the same price that everyone is paying, even longtime users?

I've had it with the typical bait and switch shared hosting companies. I'm hoping to find a host that I can rely on, and I'm willing to pay a fair price for the service.

It is not introductory pricing. What you see is what you get.

If anything Linode uses reverse bait-and-switch tactics. The Linode 300 (that's 300MB of RAM) that I started with in 2007 would now be a 4GB at the same price.


I think first of all check competitors price with offers and feature than we can decide what do I should do.


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