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Support Scope and Response Time

1. What is the scope of the support for basic account? I contacted support and they said they don't really handle those technical things. So if I sign-up for managed, what is the scope for manage account?

2. What is the average response time for support? I'm on basic trying out Linode and the average response time so far is 15 hours (even sales and billing questions). Would that be the same for everyone else on basic? How about on managed?


2 Replies

Hey there! I hope I can clarify things a little more for you.

What is the scope of the support for basic account?

Because Linode is an infrastructure hosting provider, the internal configurations and applications of individual Linodes are outside the scope of our support. While we do our best to answer questions presented to us and get you pointed in the right direction, our expertise and a lack of access to your configurations prevent us from always providing complete answers. What does fall within the scope of our support is issues related to the Linode Manager or the hardware/networking of your Linode. If you encounter bugs with your Linode Services we would be able to offer assistance. You can read a little more about the Support Boundaries in our Terms of Service here:


So if I sign-up for managed, what is the scope for manage account?

With Linode Managed, the scope of support will be very similar, however it does empower the Managed trained members of the support team to do more to help. Linode Managed allows you to set up monitors for services on your Linode. If you configure managed services on your Linode, it enables a trained member of the Linode Managed team to access the Linode and bring the services back online and let you know any underlying issues we may have found. You can read more about Linode Managed here:


What is the average response time for support?

The average response time can vary. Because our ticketing system operates on a first-in-first-out basis, the queue time will generally depend on the volume of tickets we receive. If you need immediate support, you can give us a call at any time and someone will be here to answer the phone to assist you further. We can be reached within the US at: (855-454-6633) or Intl.: +1 609-380-7100

Would that be the same for everyone else on basic? How about on managed?

That will depend on the ticket or the situation. If the Linode is completely down and inaccessible, we would mark that as urgent regardless of whether or not a customer has Linode Managed. That being said, if we have a ticket directly related to a Managed monitored service, it's not uncommon for us to expedite those requests.

Hope this helps clarify things! If there's anything else we can do for you, please let us know!

Thank you scrane for the clarifications. :-)


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