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Bandwidth Charging?

So, if I go with the $5/month server for now, what exactly would make the price increase?

I'm not sure how much bandwidth I will be using. I will be doing some video broadcasting


3 Replies

Hey there . https://www.linode.com/pricing is the best place to find all that info.

What happens if I exceed my monthly transfer quota?

You will be invoiced $0.02 for each GB over your pooled network transfer quota. Please note that all inbound traffic is free and will not count against your quota.

If you need anything else let us know.


Blake Martin

Linode Support Team


Hey there . https://www.linode.com/pricing is the best place to find all that info.

What happens if I exceed my monthly transfer quota?

You will be invoiced $0.02 for each GB over your pooled network transfer quota. Please note that all inbound traffic is free and will not count against your quota.

If you need anything else let us know.


Blake Martin

Linode Support Team

Can prevent exceeding monthly transfer quota? Perhaps by stopping outbound traffic or auto shutdown of the server?

We don't have any automated systems that would allow you to do that, however I'm certain that would be something that can be configured via the API or through services you set up internally to the Linode. You can also set up your Linode account to send you alerts when you are close to reaching the quota so you can manually log into Linode Manager and power the Linode down or log into the Linode to stop services that are generating the traffic. You can read more about setting up the email alerts here:

https://linode.com/docs/uptime/monitori … ail-alerts">https://linode.com/docs/uptime/monitoring-and-maintaining-your-server/#configuring-linode-manager-email-alerts

Hope this helps!


Stephen Crane…

Linode Customer Support


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