Linux newbie...can I run a virtual machine on a linode vm?

I was wondering if it is possible using xen/kvm/virtualbox or any other method to run a virtual machine on a linode which from what I understand itself is using xen. I ask whis because apart from learning how to build a web site, I would also like to have access to a second machine that I could use as a mini server to learn networking. This second machine would be something I would then not be afraid to break and rebuild often.

I know it is a long shot but I just wanted to know if any experienced users here would know if virtualization upon virtualization is possible or if I am just dreaming here.

Also on a side note, I was wondering what peoples experience with the ajax lish access has been like. I would love to be able to tinker through a browswer while at work (in fact this would be one of the main reasons for using linode). Thanks in advance.

7 Replies

You can run a vm inside a linode, it's not really recommended mind you, the more you virtualise the less performance you get.

If you just want a test server you can rebuild at will, install virtual box on your home computer and use that (I use vmware fusion but that's not free).

About ajax term, it's very much a last resort bit of software and not very stable, if you're at work you can SSH into a linode lish via port 443 if on linux/mac if you use windows you can carry putty on a usb stick (see

You could also set your own linode to listen on port 443 if you don't run https.

Of course if you're not supposed to ssh at work then you probably shouldn't ;)


I was wondering if it is possible using xen/kvm/virtualbox or any other method to run a virtual machine on a linode which from what I understand itself is using xen. I ask whis because apart from learning how to build a web site, I would also like to have access to a second machine that I could use as a mini server to learn networking. This second machine would be something I would then not be afraid to break and rebuild often.

I know it is a long shot but I just wanted to know if any experienced users here would know if virtualization upon virtualization is possible or if I am just dreaming here.
Linodes do indeed run Xen. While it's theoretically possible to nest virtual machines, in practice it's incredibly difficult and unreliable. Linode kernels don't support it, so you're looking at a custom-built kernel for your Linode and for your 'inner' VM. Since you're looking for a machine to learn on, this is definitely not for you. Just a dream, I'm afraid.


Also on a side note, I was wondering what peoples experience with the ajax lish access has been like. I would love to be able to tinker through a browswer while at work (in fact this would be one of the main reasons for using linode). Thanks in advance.
Ajaxterm sucks. The best way to get console access is to ssh to your Linode's host machine. Linode's sshd listens on port 443 (and 2200) for those of us that live behind firewalls. If you have sshd on your Linode listen on 443, you can ssh straight in to your machine as well.

Edit: Beaten to it. This, as well:@obs:

Of course if you're not supposed to ssh at work then you probably shouldn't ;)

Thanks, looks like a vm on a vm would not be doable, I could still maintain one web server and provided I reserved enough disk space, turn the web server down occasionally and fire up a second machine that I could break/fix and learn networking on correct? I just could not have the 2 online at the same time. Am I getting it right here? Thanks.

You can make multiple disk images within your allotted space and boot into different ones, yes. Or spin up a second linode; they're pro-rated to the day.

It can be done. I have run a full desktop OS on a 20$ Linode and ran VM's before.

Would you mind explaining how? From everything I've tried and talked to support they say it is not possible.

I think that you would need bare metal instance for running kvm based virtualisation. For example Amazon's I3 bare metal instance. In linode I doubt if the kvm support will be available on your host. So short answer is No, you cannot run a VM inside linode as far as i know. you can run containers though.


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