port forwarding

Dear Linode community,

I am new to Linode and Linux server. I need some urgent help :?

I have some IP camera at university lab. It has default login page on my local ip. Now, I want if anyone visit my Linode public IP address. It should be redirected to my local IP camera login page.In other wards, the camera traffic port forwarded to Linode public IP (guess the Linode public ip can used for this purpose or need static ip address)

If the above thing works, then i can use DyDNS service - a URL given ( ipcamera. remotecamera.net ) which is linked to Linode public IP or Linode public static IP .

How to tunnel the traffic ? How to pass through firewall? Any thoughts/questinos highly welcome.

Kindly advise on this regard. It is urgent for my project.

Many thanks.

With regards,


1 Reply

What a naiveness! :oops: I discuss with another colleague, he suggest to use OPEN VPN or others..

Anythoughts? how to use ? what to take care?

Already reading the Linode guide on Open VPN. :)

Appreciate your thoguhts. Thanks.




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