Domain is resolving to a known but incorrect I.P.

Hi. I have a domain I'm trying to set up.

I have my server up and running. I have other domains pointed to the same host and they're resolving correctly.

At my registrar I've confirmed that I configured the domain to point to Linode's DNS servers "NS1.LINODE.COM", etc.

The Linode DNS manager reports "Your zone looks good!"

In the DNS manager page for the specific domain I know I have the correct I.P. address.

In a separate tab in my browser, I loaded the DNS manager page for a different domain that's resolving correctly that's pointing to the same server.

I flipped back and forth between the two tabs. They're identical, except for the URL. Same I.P. address, etc.

When I try to ping the problem domain this is what I get…

$ ping
PING ( [I.P. address] ): 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2

The weird thing is, the I.P. that ping reports is the one for an old Linode that I deleted about a week or two ago.

Even more weird is that this domain was resolving correctly last night, and now today it isn't and I haven't touched the server or DNS config in the interim.

Any suggestions for things I can check or test?

6 Replies

Hi Les. Thanks for the reply.

Somehow since I posted the question the problem went away.

Now it's resolving correctly –> --

Previously when I posted the question it was pointing to

DNS propagation isn't immediate. Linode updates the records every 15th minute past the hour then you have to wait for the cache to expire on your end before it'll change.

Ok, understood.

The weird thing is I updated the I.P. to what I'm referring to here as "correct" ( on I believe Saturday.

It remained "correct" until Monday night, then was back to that previous I.P. by Tuesday morning, and became correct again by late Tuesday evening.

Maybe some issue with different servers caches gradually syncing up?

Well I'm happy it's working as intended now, anyway.

Thx for the help.

Well, looks like I spoke too prematurely. The problem has returned.

Resolved now. It was in my /etc/hosts.


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