all my domain point on one domain

Hi to all,

I have eleven domain on my linode ip.

but each i ping a domain it point on one domain only. this cause me some trouble in search console of google. i know this probleme with a bad configuration of dns. but i don't know where.

thanks for help

3 Replies


Hi to all,

I have eleven domain on my linode ip.

but each i ping a domain it point on one domain only. this cause me some trouble in search console of google. i know this probleme with a bad configuration of dns. but i don't know where.

thanks for help

The ping command will do a reverse DNS lookup when you ask it to ping a host, so that it can show you a nice name for responses. However, IP addresses can only have one reverse DNS name (called a PTR record), so you'll only ever see one domain name in the ping responses. This does not affect Google rankings in any way.

Thanks for your quick response.

But i in result search. Google take the first website and associate to my others domain. In result i have many 404 error. i receive many message from google about this error.


Thanks for your quick response.

But i in result search. Google take the first website and associate to my others domain. In result i have many 404 error. i receive many message from google about this error.

That has nothing to do with what you get from ping. You probably have links somewhere pointing to the wrong domain. Google doesn't do any kind of association like what you're referring to.


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