Issue of SSH logins causing firewall rules to be created, blocking where I am logging in from

SSH to Linode "Zori." Completed and was immediately blocked. Services blocked: SSH, Postfix, HTTPS checks on Linode.

Ran commands from LISH:

sudo iptables -L INPUT -v -n | grep "Charter business address"

343 24167 DROP all – * * Charter business address

sudo iptables -D INPUT -s Charter business address -j DROP

sudo iptables -D FORWARD -s Charter business address -j DROP

sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

sudo vim /etc/hosts.deny






ALL: Deleted line for office Charter business internet.


Finished at 10:54. Services working shortly after.

DenyHosts not installed.

1035 14/02/17 10:51:06 sudo systemctl status -l denyhosts

Unit could not be found.

1036 14/02/17 10:51:34 yum list denyhosts

Available Packages

denyhosts.noarch 2.9-4.el7 epel

Not finding a cause.

Looked at:

sudo cat /var/log/secure | grep 'Feb 14 '

Feb 14 07:48:42 zori sshd[25890]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user davida

Feb 14 10:47:23 zori sshd[30434]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user davida by (uid=0)

Worked from home. Blocked at office.

Looked at:

sudo cat /var/log/messages | grep 'Feb 14 10:4'

Feb 14 10:47:23 zori sshd[30434]: Accepted publickey for davida from Charter business address port 58122 ssh2: RSA 51:0f:bc:e0:5d:4d:e9:b2:b8:82:ca:76:52:20:06:b7

Feb 14 10:47:23 zori systemd-logind: New session 17838 of user davida.

Linode is CentOS 7.3, so no /var/log/auth.log.

3 Replies

Found OSSEC banning IP address logged in from.

sudo cat /var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log | grep

Wed Feb 15 22:43:42 EST 2017 /var/ossec/active-response/bin/ add - 1487216622.637682 5715

Wed Feb 15 22:43:42 EST 2017 /var/ossec/active-response/bin/ add - 1487216622.637682 5715

Working through a few things. Why block good computers? Adding a white_list line to the configuration has not stopped the blocking.

Now have syntax of white_list correct. One IP address at a time.

Seemed to have a short ban for email connection on Linode. SSH worked, email client hanged.

sudo cat /var/ossec/logs/active-responses.log | grep "Home IP address." Came back empty.


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