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Two domains and one Linode

Hi all, been with Linode since 2015 and it's been a great learning experience compared to the Linux boxes I grew up with but perhaps I'm confused or just missing a simple concept. I am familiar with LAMP and all of the basic stuff and a few things about DNS records. I use Virtualmin on my current domain, email, http, mysql.. the usual. I read an article on the site saying you can run two domains on a single Linode. Even moreso with Virtualmin but it may be a simple question. How does reverse DNS work if I have more than one domain on a single Linode? I took the dive and bought a second domain name today (This question mainly pertains to email validation) I am not familiar with BIND. Is it possible to reverse DNS two domains to a single IP? I'm confused what to do about that, I would prefer to just use one box.

2 Replies

Generally you will have one mail server at one IP address. The reverse DNS will point to the IP address of this server. You then setup all your domains to send mail through this one mail server.

So, if you call your servers host name "server" and your 1st domain name is called example.net, you would set your mail server up to send all mail for example.net through server.example.net

In the DNS you will set an MX record to tell the word that the mail server for example.net is server.example.net

Now for reverse DNS, set it to the ip address of server.example.net

Now if you buy a 2nd domain, example.org, you modify the configuration of your mailserver server.example.net to also handle mail for the domain example.org

Now in the DNS, set another MX record to tell the word that the mail server for example.org is server.example.net

The reverse DNS does not change.

Ah ha…. this all makes sense now. A very clear and concise answer. Thank you very much I've been trying to figure this out for quite sometime and you just answered it in a few paragraphs.

Cheers! :D


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