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ssh-keygen to recover my SSH access

Hi people! I lost my SSH password to one of my servers, can I recover my password with ssh-keygen or is there another way to do that. Reading the guide, it talk about rebuild my server but that will delete all my data on it. I don't to lose my data, so what exactly does the command ssh-keygen?

Thank for your HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

2 Replies

Hi Mikhael,

Have you tried going to Linode manager, clicking the linode, remote access and then starting up Lish via browser? This may allow you access to rerun your keygen to get your key pair.

Also… I just realized on your message -- when you mean ssh password do you mean user name password or the key pair password? If you want to just reset your root password you can click the linode and go to the rescue tab to reset your root password. With your root password reset you can login to root and reset whichever user account you were using.

See the following articles in regards to above:

https://www.linode.com/docs/quick-answe … our-linode">https://www.linode.com/docs/quick-answers/linode-platform/reset-the-root-password-on-your-linode

https://medium.com/linode-cube/how-to-r … 70c9affc20">https://medium.com/linode-cube/how-to-reset-your-linode-root-password-8b70c9affc20

Thank you so much for your fast reply. This will work for me!


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