SSLlabls says "Unable to connect to the server" to my IPV6 IP

As title.

I followed this guide to enable IPV6 on my apache running on a CentOS 7.4… … -tutorial/">

I added my IPV6 to the AAAA records of my Linode DNS Manager but SSLlables continue to say that it can't connect to my IPV6.

Any idea?


5 Replies

Without knowing your IPv6 address, it's difficult to even know where to begin.

(sent via PM)

here the IPV6, thanks


First off, IP(v4/v6) addresses aren't private. Under Linode's current addressing scheme, there are only 16,777,216 valid addresses for a main IPv6 address in a given datacenter, so it wouldn't take long to find it.

Anyway, either your webserver isn't listening on IPv6, or your firewall isn't configured to allow it. Please provide the output of the following commands run as root (here, not in PM):

netstat -Wplant

Edit note: after sblantipodi reported this message, staff edited out his IPv6 address, even though it's available elsewhere easily


(sent via PM)

here the IPV6, thanks

First off, IP(v4/v6) addresses aren't private. Under Linode's current addressing scheme, there are only 16,777,216 valid addresses for a main IPv6 address in a given datacenter, so it wouldn't take long to find it.

Anyway, either your webserver isn't listening on IPv6, or your firewall isn't configured to allow it. Please provide the output of the following commands run as root (here, not in PM):

netstat -Wplant

probably I don't want to match my IP with my username?

if I sent it via pvt means that I want to leave it private and not recorded on a public forum.

I don't think that there are so many idiots that tries 16 millions addresses to find mine.

In any case it seems that you haven't read my initial post. I followed that guide and my

netstat -tulpn | grep :80

shows both ipv4 and ipv6 listening on port 80

why iptables if ipv6 uses ipv6tables?

as I said, you will be kind if you can remove the ip from your quote.

I'm not going to. And yes, that was a slip-up, I meant ip6tables, not iptables. And show me the netstat anyway, because port 80 is not port 443.


I'm not going to. And yes, that was a slip-up, I meant ip6tables, not iptables. And show me the netstat anyway, because port 80 is not port 443.

I just understood why you don't work for linode anymore.

I don't need your help, thanks anyway.


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