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Linode DNS Manager and ProtonMail

I'm trying to set my domain on my ProtonMail account however it seems I'm unable to set DNS records properly. Any advice in here?

I've a TXT record:

Name: <blank>Value: protonmail-verification= <my_verification_code>TTL: Default</my_verification_code></blank> 

when I check my domain on ProtonMail setting it says "Verification did not succeed, please try again in an hour." , more than 24 hours are already passed.

Same problems with the SPF record, DKIM and DMARC. I added a TXT record for them:

Name: <blank>Value: v=spf1 include:_spf.protonmail.ch mx ~all
TTL: Default</blank> 
Name: protonmail._domainkey
Value: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p= <my_domain_key>TTL: Default</my_domain_key> 
Name: _dmarc
Value: v=DMARC1; p=none; rua=mailto: <my_email>TTL: Default</my_email> 

Do you have a domain DNS managed by Linode and used in ProtonMail? Can you give me any advice?

Thanks in advance for your reply.

5 Replies

What domain is this for? We can inspect your DNS records and advise you better.


What domain is this for? We can inspect your DNS records and advise you better.

My bad, the domain is yellowbox.io, I'll use it for a simple landing page and for email (ProtonMail) purposes.

emestee@bg-ops:~$ dig txt yellowbox.io +short
"v=spf1 include:_spf.protonmail.ch mx ~all"


Same with the DKIM/DMARC - the records are there. If protonmail isn't resolving those correctly, my guess is they have a problem with their upstream forwarder. That being said your TTL could be a bit lower.

If it still happens ask them to authenticate manually.


If protonmail isn't resolving those correctly, my guess is they have a problem with their upstream forwarder. That being said your TTL could be a bit lower.

If it still happens ask them to authenticate manually.

I'll do that, thanks. I left the TTL on default, is 3600 better?

Yeah, you can always raise it later when stuff is stable.


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