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Domain Not Pointing To New IP Address


I am new here and a newbie with Linux but I can execute commands using the command line. My server was working fine until I decided to migrate it to another datacenter. As of this posting my domain (cubithost.ph) is still pointing to the old IP ( when in fact it should be pointing to the new IP (

Using Web Host Manager (WHM), I thought I just replaced the current IP addresses (server IP, nameservers, etc.) to the new one but I guess it's not working.

I asked Linode support. They told me to setup Reverse DNS but I've this message:

> Hostname : trinity.cubithost.ph

• No match was found for 'trinity.cubithost.ph". Reverse DNS must have a matching forward entry that points to one of your IPs.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.



5 Replies


At the moment, I'm not able to see DNS for cubithost:

whois cubithost.ph

whois: ph.whois-servers.net: nodename nor servname provided, or not known

curl -v cubithost.ph

  • Rebuilt URL to: cubithost.ph/

  • Could not resolve host: cubithost.ph

  • Closing connection 0

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: cubithost.ph

I would recommend checking with the registrar, however, to make sure you have change dthe IP address so the nameservers are pointing to the correct IP address.


You're not going to be able to set reverse DNS until there's a matching forward entry for that IP, which of course there isn't since that's the problem you're having. I'm not sure why you would have been instructed to do that but it's not relevant.

I'd be sure you're updating the records for your nameservers first, I think this outlines the process fairly well: https://www.godaddy.com/help/setting-up … nager-8467">https://www.godaddy.com/help/setting-up-nameserver-dns-using-cpanelwebhost-manager-8467

This also gives a lot of the locations where you can find the right settings (ignore step 1): https://vps.us/faq/how-to-change-server … panel.html">https://vps.us/faq/how-to-change-server-ip-address-in-whmcpanel.html

The domain is registered - it has ns1-ns2.cubithost.ph listed as its authoritative nameservers:

dig +trace cubithost.ph

; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> +trace cubithost.ph
;; global options: +cmd
.            216154  IN  NS  m.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  a.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  b.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  c.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  d.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  e.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  f.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  g.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  h.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  i.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  j.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  k.root-servers.net.
.            216154  IN  NS  l.root-servers.net.
;; Received 512 bytes from in 76 ms

ph.            172800  IN  NS  1.ns.ph.
ph.            172800  IN  NS  ph.communitydns.net.
ph.            172800  IN  NS  ns2.cuhk.edu.hk.
ph.            172800  IN  NS  sec4.apnic.net.
ph.            172800  IN  NS  sns-pb.isc.org.
;; Received 384 bytes from in 262 ms

cubithost.ph.        86400   IN  NS  ns2.cubithost.ph.
cubithost.ph.        86400   IN  NS  ns1.cubithost.ph.

Looks like the issue here is that you need to update the glue records at your registrar - they're still pointing to your Linode's old IP. (credit to dwfreed for figuring this out)

Thanks smallcone and scrane for your replies. The site is now working fine. It is just the registrar issue of change IP address.


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