SRV record not showing up in DNS DIG

I need an _autodiscover record for my mail server so I created one in the DNS manager. Trouble is it won't show up in DIG at all?? I opened a ticket and 12 hours later I got this rather unhelpful response:
> I'd like to apologize for the slower response, we've been extremely busy over the past few days. We're an unmanaged infrastructure provider, so generally the configuration of DNS would fall a little outside of the scope of service that we can provide for you, and we wouldn't be able to access to the internals of your instance that might help us to more closely diagnose what may be happening. That being said, we'd be happy to see what we might be able to do to assist within this Limited capacity.

It seems as though this issue may be occurring either due to DNS propagation or something internal to your Linode. I see that this record wasn't added too long ago, so I do believe that this is likely a propagation issue. If you do find that it still isn't resolving correctly after a period of 24-48 hours, then feel free to let us know, and we'd be happy to take a closer look at what may be going on. Alternatively, you may be able to reach out to one of our community spaces below for more information: So basically no help from Linode! BTW, it has nothing to do with propagation!

Anyone have any ideas why my SRV won't show? I have many other records there that work fine. The SRV info is as follows:

Service: _autodiscover
Protocol: _tcp
Port Number: 443
Host: []

1 Reply

are you telling dig to ask the resolver for SRV records? as in dig srv ?


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