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Do I need to change the IP on a restored backup?

I have a production server that I want to clone to do some testing with. I created a new Linode, and then restored a backup from the production Linode to the new Linode. My mouse has been hovering over the Boot button for the last hour. :roll:

My question is are the IP address settings/assignments from the production server configured in the new Linode? Part of what is throwing me off is that on https://manager.linode.com/linodes I can see there are different IP addresses assigned to each of these servers. Does that mean that the ip address set in /etc/network/interfaces was changed in the new Linode?

2 Replies

Since you restored a backup, then your linux will have the old IP address.

If you have a static configuration and disabled network helper, then the server will probably be inaccessible once it boots (but will not affect the production server). You will need to use the LISH console to login and manually edit the static configuration for the new IP address.

But, if you have network helper enabled, then maybe the new server will boot with the new IP address configured properly. But you may still need to make manual changes to any custom software or daemons that are configured with the old IP.

I say give it a try and boot…. what could possibly go wrong? :D

Thanks for the reply…that helps. Looks like network helper is turned on for both the Linodes. Still going to wait until off hours to boot it up though :P


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