netstat missing on debian 9 profile

I'm using the debian 9 profile "Latest 64 bit (4.14.17-x86_64-linode99)" and I can't seem to find netstat

A quick find on the file system show something under /proc/15/net/netstat, but it's not very useful to me.

searching the repository indicate a package called netstat-nat isn't installed, but I don't think this is what I need.

Where is netstat on the debian 9 profile or how do I get it?



Ok, I think I figured it out… need to install net-tools for the old fart stuff.

2 Replies

"netstat" has been replaced, in some (all?) distros like CentOS, by the more feature complete "ss".

ss offers more features but most importantly its better with IPv6 and dual stack.

netstat should be in net-tools packages but yes, learn to use ss, it is far more versatile


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